21 jun
Prazo solicitudes
Pechado (prazo do 18/02/25 ao 10/03/25)
Sistema Selectivo
concurso • oposición
104 prazas
Metodoloxía NÓS
(Segundo a última convocatoria)
Fase de Oposición 2/3
Proba 1. Eliminatoria
Exame | Tempo | Peso |
Suposto práctico | Aprox. 2 horas | 60% |
Tema (a elexir 1 entre 4) | 2 horas | 40% |
Proba 2. Eliminatoria
Exame | Tempo | Peso |
Defensa da programación | 20 min. | 40% |
Exposición dunha unidade didáctica | 30 min. | 60% |
Debate | 10 min. |
Fase de Concurso 1/3. Máximo 10 puntos
Experiencia docente. Máximo 5 puntos
Formación académica. Máximo 5 puntos
Outros méritos. Máximo 2 puntos
Mostra do Material
Podes descargar unha mostra do noso temario propio actualizado que se imparte neste curso!
Language and communication. Functions of language. Communicative competence: it's components.
Elements of the communication Situation. Language in use. Negotiation of meaning.
Concept and teaching of grammar. Grammar in terms of language use.
Oral language. Situations of oral communication. Elements and norms governing oral discourse. Strategies for oral communication.
Written language. Situations of written communication. Structure and formal elements. Norms governing written text.
Oral and written language. Autonomy, dependence, and mutual relations.
Linguistic macrofunctions to express communicative intentions.
Discourse analysis. Cohesion and coherence: connectors and textual organization markers. Anaphora and cataphora. Deixis. References.
Direct speech, indirect speech.
The narrative text. Structure and characteristics.
The descriptive text. Structure and characteristics.
The expository text. Structure and characteristics.
The argumentative text. Structure and characteristics.
The instructional text. Structure and characteristics.
Dialogic texts. Structure and characteristics.
Discourse and enunciative operations. Modes of enunciation.
Expression of assertion, objection and emphasis.
Expression of order, exhortation and prohibition.
Expression of quantity.
Expression of quality, degree and comparison.
Spatial localization. Place, direction and distance.
Temporal localization. Duration and frequency.
Expression of simultaneity, posteriority and anteriority.
Expression of mode, means and instrument.
Expression of opinion, desire, preference and mood.
Expression of condition and hypothesis.
Expression of certainty, doubt and probability.
Expression of cause, consequence and purpose.
Structure of the sentence in English: statements, questions, negations and exclamations.
The verb: Verbal tense and real time. Aspect. Mood.
The verb: types of verbs. The auxiliaries “do, be, have” and modals.
Expression of the present. Forms and uses.
Expression of the past. Forms and uses.
Expression of the future. Forms and uses.
The infinitive, gerund and participle. Uses and functions.
"Multi-word verbs".
The passive voice. Forms and uses.
The noun phrase. The noun: It's types. Nominalization. Premodification and post modification.
The noun: gender and number. Expression of possession. The genitive.
The noun: determiners and modifiers.
Pronouns: characteristics, function and classification. Special uses.
The adjective: characteristics, function and classification.
The adverb: characteristics, function and classification. Relation between adjectives and adverbs. Adverbial phrases.
The preposition: function and uses.
English lexicon. Structure and word formation. Borrowings.
The word as a linguistic sign. Homonymy, synonymy, antonymy and polysemy. "False friends". Lexical creativity.
Lexical acquisition and It's educational implications. Criteria for selecting texts for classroom use.
The phonological system of the English language I: varieties, correspondence between sounds and spellings.
The phonological system of the English language II: vowels, diphthongs, semivowels, correspondence between sounds and spellings.
The phonological system of the English language III: consonants, correspondence between sounds and spellings.
The phonological system of the English language IV: stress, rhythm, and intonation. Strong and weak forms.
English as an international language. Spread and variety of English around the world: unity and diversity.
Sociolinguistic variants of the English language. Registers and domains of use.
Different types of language: scientific and technological, commercial and administrative.
Media in the English language: press, radio and television. Journalistic and advertising language.
The role of literature in the foreign language curriculum.
The short story, the tale and the contemporary essay in Great Britain: text selection and analysis of a representative work.
Contemporary novel in Great Britain: text selection and analysis of a representative work.
Contemporary irish narrative: text selection and analysis of a representative work.
The short story, the tale and the contemporary essay in the United States: text selection and analysis of a representative work.
Contemporary novel in the United States: text selection and analysis of a representative work.
Contemporary poetry in English: text selection and analysis of a representative work. Contemporary theater in English: text selection and analysis of a representative work.
Text analysis strategies.
Translation of texts and interpretation of speeches from different languages.
Cinema in the English language. Evolution and trends of this medium of expression.
Sociocultural aspects in the foreign language curriculum.
Treatment and interpretation of cultural facts based on student heterogeneity: adolescents and adults.
Society and culture. Myths and customs in the contemporary anglo-saxon world. Intercultural reflection: treatment and overcoming of stereotypes and clichés.
Society and culture. Stereotypes and emblems of English-speaking countries. English-language song as a vehicle of cultural influence.
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OEP 2025 - 104 prazas