21 jun
Prazo solicitudes
Pechado (prazo do 18/02/25 ao 10/03/25)
Sistema Selectivo
concurso • oposición
53 prazas
Metodoloxía NÓS
(Segundo a última convocatoria)
Fase de Oposición 2/3
Proba 1. Eliminatoria
Exame | Tempo | Peso |
Suposto práctico | Aprox. 2 horas | 60% |
Tema (a elexir 1 entre 2) | 2 horas | 40% |
Proba 2. Eliminatoria
Exame | Tempo | Peso |
Defensa da programación | 20 min. | 40% |
Exposición dunha unidade didáctica | 30 min. | 60% |
Debate | 10 min. |
Fase de Concurso 1/3. Máximo 10 puntos
Experiencia docente. Máximo 5 puntos
Formación académica. Máximo 5 puntos
Outros méritos. Máximo 2 puntos
Mostra do Material
Podes descargar unha mostra do noso temario propio actualizado que se imparte neste curso!
Language as communication: oral and written language. Features defining a communicative situation: sender, receiver, functions and context.
Communication in the foreign language classroom: verbal and non-verbal communication. Extra-linguistics strategies: non-verbal reactions to messages in different contexts.
Development of the linguistic skills: oral expression and comprehension, written expression and comprehension. The communicative competence in English.
Valuation of the knowledge of foreign languages as an instrument of communication among people and countries. Interest in language diversity by getting to know a new language and its culture.
Geographic, historic and cultural framework of the English speaking countries. Didactic application of geographic, historic and cultural aspects.
Contribution of Linguistics to foreign language teaching. The process of linguistic: similarities and differences between first and foreign language acquisition.
The oral foreign language. The complexity of understanding the global meaning in oral interaction: From listening to active and selective listening. The taking of word: From imitative reproduction to autonomous production.
The written language. Approximation, maturity and mastering of the reading-writing process. The reading comprehension: techniques of global and specific comprehension of texts. The written expression: interpretation of the production of texts.
Description of the phonological system of the English language. Learning models and techniques. Perception, discrimination and emission of sounds, intonation, rhythm and stress. Phonetic correction.
The English language orthography codes. Sound-spelling correspondences. Didactic proposals for the teaching of written codes. Spelling in writing activities.
Lexical and semantic field in the English language. Lexicon necessary for socialization, information and attitude expression. Activities related to the teaching and learning of lexicon in the foreign language class.
Essential elements of the English language morphosyntax. Elementary communicative structures. Progressive use of grammatical categories in oral and written production.
History of the evolution of the didactic of foreign languages: from Grammar-Translation Methods to Present-day trends.
Methods and techniques focused on the acquisition of communicative competence. Specific methodological fundaments of English language teaching.
Periods, authors and literary genres more suitable for applying in the English Didactic lessons. Types of texts.
Children’s literature in English language. Techniques for applying it and access to the oral comprehension. Boost reading habits and poetic sensibility of language.
The song as poetic vehicle and literary creation in the English class. Types of songs. Technical use of songs for the phonetic, lexical and cultural learning.
The song as poetic vehicle and literary creation in the English class. Types of songs. Technical use of songs for the phonetic, lexical and cultural learning.
Animation techniques and expression as a resource for learning foreign languages. Dramatizing situations of everyday life and representation of stories, characters, jokes, etc. Working in groups for creative activities. Role of the teacher.
The Foreign Language Area in the curricula. Criteria to be included in the School Educative Project and in the Curricular School Project.
Programming area of foreign languages: Programming units. Criteria for the sequence and timing of content and objectives. Selecting the methodology to be used in the learning activities and evaluation.
Variables to consider when organizing the English language class: Grouping students, distribution of space and time, selection of methodologies, teacher’s role, etc.
The development of curriculum materials for English class. Criteria for the selection and use of coursebooks. Authentic and adapted documents: Limitations of use. The collaboration of students in the design of materials.
Technological and educational aspects of the use of audiovisual materials (newspaper, television, cassette, video, etc.). The computer as an auxiliary resource for learning and improving foreign languages.
The learner-centred teaching learning process in the foreign language: fundamentals and applications. Identification of motivation and attitudes towards the English language. Practical applications.
Consulta as titulacións afíns a cada especialidade na Orde do 2 de outubro de 2023
OEP 2025 - 53 prazas